15 Common Skin Conditions: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Disease 15. Keratosis Pilaris: The Chicken Skin Dilemma

Keratosis Pilaris The Chicken Skin Dilemma

Keratosis pilaris is a common, harmless skin condition that causes small, rough bumps on the skin, often resembling goosebumps or “chicken skin”. These bumps are typically found on the upper arms, thighs, or buttocks and are caused by the buildup of the protein keratin, which can block hair follicles.

While the exact cause of keratosis pilaris is unknown, it is believed to have a genetic component and is more common in individuals with a family history of the condition or other atopic disorders, such as eczema or asthma.

There is no cure for keratosis pilaris, but treatment can help manage symptoms and improve the appearance of the skin. Over-the-counter creams or lotions containing exfoliating ingredients like alpha-hydroxy acids, urea, or salicylic acid can help remove dead skin cells and unblock hair follicles. In more severe cases, a healthcare provider may prescribe a topical retinoid or other medication to help manage symptoms.

Regular moisturization and gentle exfoliation can help keep keratosis pilaris under control, while avoiding harsh soaps or skincare products can prevent irritation and worsening of the condition. (15)

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