15 Critical Facts About Dementia and Depression You Should Know

Fact 11. Dementia and Depression Can Impact Physical Health

Dementia and Depression Can Impact Physical Health

It’s easy to compartmentalize health into different categories – mental, emotional, physical. However, it’s critical to understand that these categories are interconnected. Dementia and depression, while primarily seen as conditions affecting the brain, can also have serious implications on a person’s physical health.

People with dementia, for instance, may struggle with motor skills. This can manifest as difficulty walking or coordinating movements. These motor problems can lead to falls, which can cause injuries like fractures.

There are also indirect effects: as dementia progresses, individuals may forget to eat or drink, leading to malnutrition and dehydration. The decline in cognitive function can also make it harder for a person to express discomfort or pain, meaning physical illnesses or injuries can go unnoticed and untreated.(11)

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