2. Food Recognition Impairment: When Familiar Becomes Unfamiliar
The cognitive impairment that comes with dementia often extends to difficulties recognizing everyday items – including food. A dementia patient might look at a plate of their favorite meal and not identify it as something edible. This difficulty can lead to reduced food intake and limited dietary variety, impacting nutritional balance.
Food recognition impairment in dementia is not just about not knowing what the food is. It also encompasses not knowing what to do with the food.
For instance, an individual may struggle to use cutlery properly or be unsure about the sequence of eating a meal. This could result in frustration, refusal to eat, and an over-reliance on caregiver assistance.
Addressing food recognition issues in dementia involves patience, creativity, and flexibility. Presenting food in familiar and simple ways can help.
For example, finger foods can bypass the need for cutlery. Consistent meal routines can also provide a comforting familiarity that can help individuals navigate their meals more independently. (2)