15 Crucial Facts About Malabsorption You Need to Know

Fact 14: Water, The Unsung Hero

Water, The Unsung Hero

Often overlooked in the myriad of dietary discussions, water remains the most fundamental aspect of our nutritional intake. Comprising a significant percentage of our body, water plays a pivotal role in virtually every bodily function. Especially in the context of digestion and, subsequently, malabsorption, its importance cannot be overstated.

At a fundamental level, water aids in the breaking down of food so our body can absorb nutrients. It’s the medium in which most of the digestive reactions occur. Without adequate water, the digestive system struggles, and the absorption of essential nutrients becomes inefficient, exacerbating malabsorption issues.

Beyond just digestion, water also facilitates the transportation of nutrients within the body. Once digested, these nutrients need to reach various cells, and water, as the primary component of blood, plays a crucial role in this nutrient distribution. A hydrated body ensures efficient nutrient transport, reducing the chances of malabsorption.

Water is nature’s detoxifier. It aids in flushing out toxins from our system, ensuring the gut remains healthy and less inflamed. For those with malabsorption, a well-hydrated body can help in reducing inflammation, promoting a more balanced gut environment conducive to efficient nutrient absorption.(14)

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