12. Chronic Cough – An Overlooked Sign of Angina

Another symptom that could be associated with angina, yet often overlooked, is a chronic cough. A persistent cough could indicate a variety of health issues, from the common cold to allergies, but when it’s accompanied by other symptoms of angina, it may be a signal of this heart condition. The cough may be dry or produce a white or pink mucus, which could suggest that the heart is not pumping blood as efficiently as it should, resulting in fluid accumulation in the lungs.
Though a cough is a relatively common symptom and can have many causes, a chronic cough that doesn’t respond to standard treatments and is accompanied by symptoms like chest discomfort, shortness of breath, or fatigue might indicate an underlying heart condition like angina. In such a scenario, a comprehensive cardiac evaluation becomes crucial.
Moreover, a persistent cough can lead to other health complications such as sleep disturbance, throat irritation, and even rib fractures in severe cases. These complications, in turn, can negatively impact overall health and well-being, potentially exacerbating the underlying cardiac condition.
While a chronic cough can be indicative of many conditions, it should not be ignored, especially when it occurs alongside other signs of angina. Early detection of these signs and timely medical attention could be pivotal in preventing the progression of angina and related heart conditions. It’s essential to be vigilant about these potential signals from your body and seek medical advice when necessary, which can make a significant difference to your heart health. (12)