14. Difficulty Sleeping – A Hidden Symptom of Angina

Another symptom that can be indicative of angina, albeit not commonly recognized, is difficulty sleeping. This can manifest as trouble falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or restless sleep.
A possible explanation for this lies in the fact that lying down can worsen angina symptoms, leading to discomfort and consequently, disturbed sleep. The anxiety and stress associated with angina can also negatively impact sleep quality.
Sleep disorders on their own are quite common, and many factors can contribute to them. Stress, lifestyle habits, environmental factors – all these can lead to difficulty sleeping. However, if you’re finding it hard to get a good night’s sleep and this is accompanied by other symptoms of angina, it could be a warning sign of this heart condition.
Poor sleep quality can also worsen the overall condition of a person with angina. Lack of restful sleep can lead to fatigue, decreased mental clarity, and heightened emotional responses, all of which can strain the heart further, exacerbating angina symptoms. Thus, it’s critical to address sleep difficulties and seek medical advice if this symptom persists, especially if other angina symptoms are present.
To sum up, persistent difficulty sleeping, especially when combined with other symptoms of angina, should not be overlooked. It could be a lesser-known sign of an underlying heart condition like angina. By paying attention to these signs and getting a timely evaluation, you could potentially prevent further heart complications. (14)