15. Unexplained Weight Gain – The Indirect Sign of Angina

Unexplained weight gain is another symptom that can be indirectly associated with angina. This occurs primarily due to the fluid buildup caused by the heart’s reduced pumping efficiency, leading to weight gain, particularly noticeable in the lower body. The sedentary lifestyle that often accompanies chronic angina can also contribute to weight gain.
Like many other symptoms on this list, weight gain is a common issue with multiple potential causes. Dietary habits, physical activity levels, hormonal imbalances, and certain medications can all contribute to weight gain. However, if you’re experiencing unexplained weight gain along with other symptoms of angina such as chest discomfort or shortness of breath, it’s important to consider the possibility of an underlying heart condition.
Additionally, weight gain can also lead to increased strain on the heart, potentially worsening angina symptoms. Weight management is therefore a crucial aspect of managing angina, alongside other lifestyle changes like a healthy diet and regular exercise. If you’re experiencing unexplained weight gain, particularly if it’s accompanied by other symptoms of angina, it would be prudent to seek medical advice.
In conclusion, unexplained weight gain, especially when associated with other symptoms of angina, could be a sign of this heart condition. Recognizing these signs and seeking timely medical attention can lead to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, ultimately improving your heart health and overall quality of life. (15)