4. Nausea – The Underappreciated Symptom of Angina

While it may seem surprising, nausea is indeed a symptom of angina. It’s more commonly experienced by women and older individuals and is often accompanied by a feeling of extreme fatigue. The nauseous feeling can sometimes be so overpowering that it may lead to vomiting.
Why would a heart issue cause a digestive symptom like nausea? Well, it all comes down to how our body responds to distress. When the heart struggles to pump blood effectively, it can affect various bodily functions, including digestion. Consequently, the body’s response may result in feelings of nausea or even vomiting.
This symptom is often overlooked because it can be attributed to various other less serious conditions, from food poisoning to general stomach upset. But when nausea is combined with any of the other symptoms mentioned here, it’s advisable to consider the possibility of angina.
In summary, while nausea may not be the most obvious symptom of angina, it shouldn’t be dismissed, especially when it accompanies other symptoms. Being cognizant of this fact can make a difference in how promptly you respond to the warning signals your body is sending. (4)