5. Sweating – The Body’s Distress Signal in Angina

Sweating, especially cold sweat, is another symptom often associated with angina. This isn’t your regular post-workout or warm weather-induced sweat but a cold, clammy sweat that can leave you feeling uncomfortable and worried.
The occurrence of sweating in angina is your body’s primal response to stress. When the heart is not getting sufficient blood, it puts the body under physical stress. This prompts the body to release stress hormones like adrenaline, which, in turn, trigger sweating.
It’s important to note that sweating caused by angina often occurs without any physical exertion and may be accompanied by other symptoms like chest discomfort or shortness of breath. A sudden episode of intense sweating, with no apparent reason, should be taken seriously, especially when accompanied by other angina symptoms.
In conclusion, while sweating might be a common occurrence, it’s crucial to recognize when it’s out of the ordinary. This knowledge could be instrumental in identifying a possible angina episode promptly and seeking the necessary medical attention. (5)