15 Diverticulosis Symptoms: What You Need to Know to Stay Healthy

4. Rectal Bleeding: A Potentially Serious Indicator of Diverticulosis

Rectal Bleeding A Potentially Serious Indicator of Diverticulosis

Rectal bleeding can be a potentially serious symptom of diverticulosis and should not be ignored. While the presence of blood in the stool or on toilet paper may be alarming, it is essential to remember that this symptom can be caused by various conditions, some of which are less serious than diverticulosis.

In the context of diverticulosis, rectal bleeding may occur when the diverticula become irritated or inflamed, leading to the rupture of small blood vessels in the area. The bleeding may be bright red or maroon in color and may be accompanied by clots.

If you experience rectal bleeding, it is crucial to consult your healthcare provider as soon as possible for a proper evaluation and diagnosis. They will determine the cause of the bleeding and recommend appropriate treatment options to address the underlying issue and minimize the risk of complications. (4)

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