Symptom 3. Excessive Tearing

Ironically, excessive tearing, or watery eyes, can be another symptom of dry eye syndrome. When the eye’s surface is inadequately lubricated, the body may overcompensate by producing an excessive amount of tears to keep the eye moist.
This overflow of tears can be problematic, as the composition of the tears may not be ideal for maintaining proper eye lubrication. For instance, the tears may contain a higher concentration of water and less oil, which can cause them to evaporate more quickly and fail to provide lasting relief for dry eyes.
To address excessive tearing, it’s essential to determine the underlying cause and restore balance to the tear film. Artificial tears or lubricating eye drops can help replenish the eye’s moisture levels and reduce excessive tearing. In some cases, punctal plugs – small, biocompatible devices inserted into the tear drainage ducts – may be used to keep the tears on the eye’s surface for a more extended period.
Moreover, ensuring proper eye hygiene and avoiding irritants, such as smoke or allergens, can also help alleviate excessive tearing related to dry eye syndrome.