15 Early Symptoms of Amyloidosis: First Signs to Watch Out For

Symptom 2. Swelling in the Legs and Ankles: A Common Yet Overlooked Sign of Amyloidosis

Swelling in the Legs and Ankles A Common Yet Overlooked Sign of Amyloidosis

Have you ever kicked off your shoes after a long day, only to find your ankles resembling a pair of overfilled water balloons? Swelling in the lower extremities – your legs and ankles, specifically – might seem like a mere side effect of a demanding day. However, when it becomes a frequent or persistent issue, it might be a sign of an underlying health problem, such as amyloidosis.

So, why does amyloidosis cause your legs and ankles to swell? The answer lies in one of the organs most commonly affected by amyloidosis: the kidneys. Your kidneys are your body’s filtering system, removing waste products and maintaining fluid balance. When functioning efficiently, they ensure excess fluid is excreted from your body. However, when amyloid proteins begin to deposit within the kidney tissues, they hamper the organ’s performance.

When the kidneys’ filtering capability is compromised due to amyloidosis, they can’t effectively eliminate excess fluid. As a result, fluid begins to accumulate within the body. This accumulation commonly manifests as swelling or edema, most noticeably in the legs and ankles due to the pull of gravity. Thus, frequent or persistent leg and ankle swelling could be an early symptom of amyloidosis impacting your kidneys. (2)

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