15 Early Symptoms of Amyloidosis: First Signs to Watch Out For

Symptom 4. Unexplained Weight Loss: A Hidden Sign of Amyloidosis

Unexplained Weight Loss A Hidden Sign of Amyloidosis

Weight loss can often be greeted with cheers and high-fives, especially in a world where shedding pounds is typically a sought-after goal. However, when weight loss comes knocking without an invitation, without changes in your diet or exercise routine, it might be a cause for concern. One of the potential flags your body could be raising through unexplained weight loss is the onset of a condition called amyloidosis.

Our bodies are finely-tuned systems that maintain a stable weight when caloric intake and expenditure are balanced. But what happens when amyloid proteins enter the scene? These rogue proteins, when produced in excess, have a knack for depositing themselves in various tissues and organs. Depending on where they decide to settle, these deposits can disrupt normal organ functions, which can inadvertently lead to weight loss.

One of the common areas where amyloid proteins deposit is the digestive system. When these proteins accumulate in the walls of your intestines, they can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb nutrients efficiently. This malabsorption can manifest as a loss of appetite, leading to a reduced caloric intake and subsequent weight loss. (4)

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