15 Essential Facts About Crohn’s Disease Everyone Should Know

Fact 6: The Risks of Neglect

The Risks of Neglect

Ignoring or inadequately managing Crohn’s isn’t an option. Neglect can lead to serious complications, including fistulas, abscesses, and even bowel obstructions. These complications not only exacerbate discomfort but can also pose severe health risks requiring emergency interventions.

With the digestive tract compromised, the body’s ability to absorb nutrients takes a hit. Over time, without proper care, individuals can face nutritional deficiencies. From anemia due to a lack of iron or vitamin B12 to weakened bones from insufficient calcium, the effects can be far-reaching.

Crohn’s doesn’t just have physical ramifications. The constant battle with pain, discomfort, and the unpredictability of flare-ups can take a toll on mental well-being. Depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges can arise, further emphasizing the need for comprehensive care.

Unchecked inflammation can strain various bodily systems. Over time, individuals might experience liver problems, joint pain, skin disorders, and even eye conditions. Each of these complications adds another layer of complexity to the treatment protocol.(6)

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