15 Essential Facts About Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) Everyone Should Know

Fact 5: The Stages of MCL

The Stages of MCL

Like many cancers, MCL doesn’t exist in a static state. It evolves, progressing through various stages that dictate its severity and the treatment trajectory. Here’s a snapshot of the journey an MCL cell goes through, from inception to full-blown invasion.

Stage I – The Beginning:

At this nascent stage, only a single lymph node region or lymphoid organ, like the thymus, showcases MCL presence. It’s localized, confined, and hasn’t spread its wings yet.

Stage II – A Bit Beyond:

Here, MCL ventures out slightly. It affects two or more lymph node regions, but they’re all on the same side of the diaphragm, either above or below. The diaphragm’s role as a divider in staging is pivotal.

Stage III – Crossing Boundaries:

Stage III sees MCL breaching the diaphragm’s divide. Lymph nodes on both its sides get affected. The spleen, a crucial organ in the lymphatic system, might also show signs of involvement at this juncture.

Stage IV – Widespread Invasion:

The most advanced stage, Stage IV signifies MCL’s extensive spread. Apart from multiple lymph nodes, it also infiltrates non-lymphatic organs, such as the bone marrow, liver, or lungs. This stage often demands aggressive intervention, given the disease’s widespread nature. (5)

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