15 Essential Facts About Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer) You Must Know

Fact 5: Types of Gastric Cancer

Types of Gastric Cancer

It’s a common misconception that stomach cancer is a singular entity. But the reality is more complex. Stomach cancer encapsulates various types, each emerging from different cells and tissues within the stomach.

Adenocarcinoma stands out as the most common type. Originating in the stomach’s innermost lining, where mucus-producing cells are located, this type accounts for a significant majority of stomach cancer cases. Often, when one refers to stomach cancer, they are usually alluding to adenocarcinoma.

But there are lesser-known types as well. For instance, lymphomas, which are a group of cancers that start in the lymphatic system, can sometimes find their origin in the stomach. Their behavior and treatment can differ markedly from adenocarcinomas, making it crucial to differentiate between the two.

Then, we have the rare gastric stromal tumors. These begin their journey in the very cells that form the stomach wall. Often benign, these tumors can, on occasion, become malignant. Their rarity often makes them a subject of intense research.

Neuroendocrine tumors, another category, emerge from the hormone-producing cells of the stomach. While they represent a smaller fraction of cases, their potential severity can’t be ignored. Distinguishing between these types isn’t just academic. It plays a critical role in shaping the treatment plan and forecasting the disease’s trajectory. (5)

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