15 Essential Facts About Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cancer) You Must Know

Fact 6: Stages of the Disease

Stages of the Disease

Like most cancers, stomach cancer is categorized into different stages, marking the disease’s progression. These stages provide a snapshot of how advanced the cancer is, and, crucially, dictate the treatment approach. In the earliest stage, the cancer remains localized. It’s confined to the inner lining of the stomach and hasn’t invaded deeper layers. This stage offers the best prognosis, with treatments like surgery yielding significant success rates.

However, as we move to the intermediate stages, the cancer begins its invasion into deeper stomach layers. It might even reach the outer stomach layers, potentially affecting nearby organs. The lymph nodes, crucial components of the immune system, might also show signs of cancerous cells during these stages.

Advanced stages paint a graver picture. The cancer has likely spread far beyond the stomach, reaching distant organs and tissues. At this juncture, the treatment becomes more complex, often involving a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. (6)

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