15 Essential Facts About Zenker’s Diverticulum (Pharyngeal Pouch)

2. Regurgitation of Food: The Unpleasant Surprise

Regurgitation of Food The Unpleasant Surprise

Another alarming symptom associated with Zenker’s Diverticulum is the regurgitation of undigested food. Imagine the distress and embarrassment of unexpectedly regurgitating food hours after consumption.

This isn’t a mere reflux. The food can be brought back into the mouth without any accompanying acid or bile, a distinguishing factor from conditions like GERD. The reason? Food gets trapped in the pouch, and when it accumulates, it can be pushed back up.

The implications stretch beyond mere discomfort. Aspiration, where food enters the lungs, is a real risk.

This can lead to respiratory issues and even life-threatening conditions like pneumonia. If someone finds themselves regularly regurgitating food without any apparent reason, it’s essential to seek medical advice. (2)

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