15 Essential Facts Everyone Should Know About Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL, DLBL)

Fact 12: The Role of Radiology in DLBCL Management

The Role of Radiology in DLBCL Management

Radiology, the science of using imaging to diagnose and sometimes treat diseases within the body, stands as a sentinel in the management of DLBCL. From detection to monitoring response, radiological tools provide a window into the body’s inner workings, ensuring that medical decisions are data-driven and precise.

One of the mainstays in DLBCL diagnosis and management is the PET (Positron Emission Tomography) scan. By detecting areas of increased metabolic activity, typical of cancer cells, PET scans can help not just in identifying the disease’s presence but also in staging it, mapping its extent in the body.

CT (Computed Tomography) scans offer a more detailed, layered look at the body’s internal structures. For DLBCL, CT scans can show the size, shape, and position of any lymphoma masses, guiding therapeutic decisions and helping in monitoring treatment responses.

While CT and PET are staples, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brings a unique offering to the table. Especially when assessing the involvement of DLBCL in soft tissues like the brain or spinal cord, MRI’s detailed imaging is unparalleled, ensuring no stone is left unturned. (12)

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