15 Essential Facts You Must Know About Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Fact 10: The GERD-Asthma Connection

The GERD-Asthma Connection

Asthma and GERD, on the surface, might seem like entirely unrelated conditions. However, there’s a deep-seated connection between the two, with each having the potential to exacerbate the other. The intricacies of this relationship are still under scrutiny, but what’s evident is that they often coexist in many individuals, leading to a compounded impact on quality of life.

When stomach acid finds its way into the esophagus, it can occasionally be aspirated into the lungs. This accidental inhalation can irritate the bronchial tubes, leading to bronchospasm – a condition that narrows the airways. This manifests as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath – symptoms synonymous with asthma.

The interplay isn’t just one-sided. An intense bout of coughing or the sheer pressure from an asthma attack can force stomach contents into the esophagus. Additionally, certain asthma medications can relax the LES, making acid reflux more probable. Thus, for individuals diagnosed with both conditions, an asthma flare-up can inadvertently lead to a GERD episode. (10)

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