Fact 2: Common Symptoms

The tale of an anal fistula is told through its symptoms. Primary among these are pain and swelling around the anus. But it’s not just about a vague discomfort; the pain often has a burning or throbbing character, making even simple activities like sitting a challenge.
Alongside this discomfort, there’s the discharge. Blood or pus may frequently ooze out from the fistula, leading to constant dampness in the area. This dampness is not only physically uncomfortable but can also give rise to itching, adding another layer of distress. Imagine the constant need to scratch, coupled with the pain – it’s far from pleasant.
Then there’s the recurrence of anal abscesses. One might think that after dealing with an abscess, they’re in the clear. Unfortunately, with a fistula, these abscesses can make a comeback, reminding one of the initial ordeal. When combined with the heightened discomfort during bowel movements, it paints a picture of constant unease. (2)