15 Essential Facts You Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer

Fact 3: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

Colorectal cancer, in its initial phases, often masquerades as benign digestive issues. This deceptive nature can lead many astray, dismissing serious symptoms as mere digestive hiccups. But it’s crucial to sift through these signs, differentiating between innocuous digestive discomfort and potential red flags.

Changes in bowel habits top the list. If you find yourself oscillating between constipation and diarrhea or notice persistent alterations in stool consistency, it’s time for a closer look. These changes, especially if they persist for weeks, warrant a doctor’s visit. While it might be tempting to attribute them to dietary indiscretions, they could be the body’s subtle way of signaling a deeper problem.

Blood in the stool or rectal bleeding is another symptom that should set off alarm bells. While it’s possible that these could arise from relatively harmless conditions like hemorrhoids, they shouldn’t be dismissed. The color of the blood can offer clues. Bright red blood might indicate bleeding closer to the rectum, while darker hues could hint at issues higher up in the colon. (3)

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