15 Essential Facts You Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer

Fact 4: Risk Factors

Risk Factors

To fully grasp the magnitude and menace of colorectal cancer, it’s essential to delineate its risk factors. While the very utterance of “cancer” might seem arbitrary and indiscriminate in its choice of victims, certain determinants subtly guide its course. These factors, some modifiable and some unyielding, paint a clearer picture of the risk matrix associated with colorectal cancer.

Age has traditionally been viewed through the lens of wisdom and experience, but from the perspective of colorectal cancer, it’s one of the most potent risk factors. The majority of people diagnosed with this ailment are over 50. But why does age matter so much? As we age, cellular damage accumulates. These aberrations, if not rectified, can pave the way for malignancies. Therefore, the older one gets, the higher the likelihood of these cellular inconsistencies evolving into full-blown cancer.

Akin to age is the element of family history and genetics. If your immediate family members, such as parents or siblings, have battled colorectal cancer, your risk elevates. Delving deeper, certain genetic mutations passed across generations can heighten susceptibility. Syndromes like Lynch syndrome, previously known as hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) dramatically escalate risks. (4)

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