15 Essential Facts You Need to Know About Colorectal Cancer

Fact 6: Colonoscopy – A Reliable Screening Tool

Colonoscopy - A Reliable Screening Tool

In the realm of medical science, the early detection of diseases often spells the difference between successful intervention and unfavorable outcomes. When discussing colorectal cancer, the colonoscopy emerges as the gold standard of screening methods. It’s not merely a diagnostic tool; its scope extends into the preventive sphere as well.

A colonoscopy involves the insertion of a flexible tube, armed with a camera, into the rectum to inspect the entirety of the colon. But what makes it particularly distinctive is its ability to not just detect but also remove precancerous growths called polyps. By doing so, it halts the progression of these growths into malignant tumors. Thus, this procedure isn’t merely diagnostic; it’s therapeutic as well.

However, the efficacy of a colonoscopy isn’t solely about its technical prowess. The intervals between screenings play a pivotal role in its success rate. For average-risk individuals, a decadal interval, beginning at 50, is recommended. But for those with higher risks—owing to family history or genetic factors—commencing earlier and undergoing more frequent screenings could be life-saving. (6)

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