Fact 10: Are Hemorrhoids Dangerous?

At the outset, hemorrhoids are more of an annoyance than a severe health threat. Most people experience symptoms like itching, pain, or bleeding, which, while uncomfortable, aren’t dangerous in themselves. However, prolonged neglect or mismanagement can lead to complications.
Persistent bleeding from hemorrhoids, while often benign, can sometimes lead to anemia – a condition where you lack enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body’s tissues. It’s essential to monitor and report any unusual or prolonged symptoms to a healthcare professional.
One of the potential dangers of hemorrhoids isn’t the condition itself but the misdiagnosis or overlooking of other severe ailments. Symptoms like rectal bleeding can be indicative of colorectal cancer or other digestive diseases, which makes it crucial to get a definitive diagnosis.
In rare cases, hemorrhoids can lead to strangulation, where the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut off. This can result in extreme pain and might require immediate surgical intervention. Another complication could be a blood clot or thrombosis, which might also necessitate medical attention. (10)