15 Essential Symptomatic Details About Tay-Sachs Disease

5. Paralysis and Loss of Motor Functions: The Unseen Struggle

Paralysis and Loss of Motor Functions The Unseen Struggle

As Tay-Sachs disease progresses, so does the severity of motor function loss. From the inability to perform simple tasks like holding a toy to challenges in walking or even sitting up, the physical limitations mount.

Physical therapy plays a crucial role here. Therapists work with families to slow the loss of function and provide comfort to the child, focusing on preserving as much mobility as possible and preventing complications like muscle contractures.

Paralysis is an especially harrowing aspect of Tay-Sachs. Over time, affected children might lose the ability to move entirely. This state of stillness, however, doesn’t mean the absence of life, emotion, or a need for connection.

Ensuring quality of life during this phase means a commitment to meticulous care. From pressure sore prevention to ensuring mental stimulation, families and medical professionals have a demanding task ahead. (5)

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