15 Essential Tips for Communicating with Dementia Patients

8. Break Down Information: Making It Easier to Digest

Break Down Information Making It Easier to Digest

When communicating with a dementia patient, it’s important to keep the information as simple as possible. Large amounts of information or complex instructions can overwhelm the person and cause frustration. To aid their comprehension, you should aim to break down the information into manageable chunks.

Imagine you’re explaining the steps of a craft activity. Instead of giving all the steps at once, break it down.

Explain one step, let them complete it, and then move on to the next. By simplifying the process, you not only make it easier for them to understand but also create an environment where they can succeed, thereby boosting their self-esteem.

Similarly, when you’re discussing abstract concepts or narrating past events, providing a relatable context can help the individual comprehend better. This could be a reference to a familiar place, person, or event that can help them visualize the information. By breaking down information into smaller parts, you can make communication more effective and less confusing for the person with dementia. (8)

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