15 Grave’s Disease Symptoms and Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) Symptoms: In-Depth Insight

Symptom 6. Changes in Menstrual Patterns: The Hormonal Imbalance in Grave’s Disease

Changes in Menstrual Patterns The Hormonal Imbalance in Grave's Disease

Women with Grave’s disease may experience changes in their menstrual patterns due to the hormonal imbalances caused by the disorder. The excess thyroid hormones can disrupt the normal hormonal balance, leading to irregular periods, lighter or heavier menstrual flow, or even missed periods altogether.

These changes in menstrual patterns can be distressing and may affect fertility in some cases. In addition, irregular periods can also signal other underlying health issues, making it essential to discuss any menstrual changes with a healthcare provider.

Treatment for menstrual changes in Grave’s disease typically involves addressing the underlying hyperthyroidism. Antithyroid medications, radioactive iodine therapy, or surgery can help restore hormonal balance and regulate menstrual patterns. In some cases, hormonal therapy or other treatments may be recommended to further manage menstrual irregularities.

By working closely with your healthcare provider and addressing the root cause of hormonal imbalances, women with Grave’s disease can experience improved menstrual regularity and overall reproductive health. (6)

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