15 Important Facts About Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD, Alcohol-Related Liver Disease, ARLD)

15. Sleep Disturbances: The Night’s Unrest

Sleep Disturbances The Night's Unrest

Sleep and liver health are intricately linked. As ALD begins to creep in, one of the early signs is a disturbance in sleep patterns.

Individuals might find it harder to fall asleep or experience frequent night awakenings. There’s a general sense of restlessness, with nights seeming longer and more tumultuous.

This isn’t about the occasional restless night due to stress or other external factors. It’s a consistent pattern of sleep disturbances.

The reason? A liver under stress struggles to regulate certain neurotransmitters and hormones that influence sleep. Nights become a battleground, with restful sleep eluding those affected.

Recognizing sleep disturbances as a potential early sign of ALD is vital. Sleep is the body’s way of healing and rejuvenating.

When it’s compromised, it’s a signal of deeper, underlying health issues. Addressing these disturbances and understanding their link to liver health can be crucial in managing ALD’s early stages. (15)

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