15 Important Facts About Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD, Alcohol-Related Liver Disease, ARLD)

2. Jaundice: A Visible Warning

Jaundice A Visible Warning

Jaundice doesn’t just appear out of the blue. It’s the liver sending out a distress signal. When you notice a yellow tinge to the skin or eyes, it’s time to pay attention. It means the liver can’t process bilirubin, a waste material in the blood.

This symptom is hard to ignore. The yellowing is stark. It’s not a slight change in complexion. Family and friends often notice it first. They might comment on the person looking “off” or ask if they’re feeling okay. Such observations shouldn’t be dismissed.

Bilirubin buildup is a clear sign. The liver is overwhelmed. It’s not functioning as it should. This could be due to the liver’s prolonged exposure to alcohol. It can’t keep up with the detoxification process. Thus, the yellowing occurs.

Remember, jaundice isn’t a mild concern. It’s a glaring red flag. If you or someone you know shows these signs, it’s crucial to seek medical advice. Early intervention can make a world of difference in ALD progression. (2)

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