15 Important Facts About Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH)

13. Itchy Skin: More Than Just An Irritation

Itchy Skin More Than Just An Irritation

Imagine a persistent itch. One that’s relentless and seems to stem from under the skin. For many with AIH, itchy skin, medically termed ‘pruritus,’ is a daily ordeal. It’s not just about discomfort; it’s a sign the liver might be struggling.

The exact cause of this itchiness in AIH remains a topic of research. Many theories suggest it might be due to bile products depositing in the skin. Whatever the cause, the incessant itch can be distressing.

While moisturizers or antihistamines can offer temporary relief, they don’t address the root cause. If this symptom, especially if coupled with other AIH signs, persists, medical evaluation becomes indispensable.

It’s vital to understand that persistent itchiness, especially without a clear external cause, isn’t normal. It’s the body’s way of signaling something is amiss, warranting attention and action. (13)

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