15 Important Facts About Bruxism Every Individual Should Know

Fact 6: Children Aren’t Immune

Children Aren't Immune

While bruxism is often associated with adults, children are not spared from its clutches. Pediatric bruxism can begin as soon as a child’s teeth appear, extending throughout their adolescent years. The causes can be multifaceted, ranging from stress to the presence of other medical conditions or medications.

For many children, bruxism is a transient phase, especially when linked to teething or jaw growth. However, it’s not something to be dismissed lightly. Persistent grinding can lead to similar dental and jaw problems faced by adults, impacting their long-term dental health.

It’s easy to overlook, but children too face stress. Whether from school pressures, social issues, or even home environments, the young are not immune to the pressures of the world. Bruxism can be an unconscious outlet for their anxieties, a way for their young minds and bodies to cope.

Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in spotting signs of bruxism in children. Observing for grinding noises during sleep, complaints of morning headaches, or sore jaws can be indicators. Regular dental check-ups also become crucial, offering an opportunity for early detection and intervention. (6)

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