15 Important Facts About Dysentery (Bloody Flux) That Everyone Should Know

Fact 8: Complications


While diarrhea remains the most conspicuous symptom of dysentery, its complications can often overshadow the primary ailment. And it’s these complications, if left unchecked, that can turn fatal.

Particularly associated with a strain of bacteria called Shigella, HUS is a serious complication where the red blood cells get destroyed, leading to kidney failure. Symptoms like bloody urine or reduced urine output should raise alarm bells and warrant immediate medical attention.

In cases of amoebic dysentery, if the protozoa invade the liver, it can lead to liver abscesses. This complication presents with high fever and right upper abdominal pain. Without prompt treatment, it can have severe implications for liver function and overall health.

Prolonged dysentery can have a cascading effect on nutritional health. The body struggles to absorb nutrients due to the constant diarrhea, leading to weight loss, vitamin, and mineral deficiencies. This is particularly concerning in children, where growth and development can get stunted. (8)

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