Fact 3: Possible Causes of IBS

While IBS is a common term in many households, the exact cause of this condition remains a subject of ongoing research and debate. Over the years, multiple theories have emerged, each providing a piece to the IBS puzzle.
For some, the onset of IBS symptoms can be linked back to a particular gastrointestinal infection. This manifestation, often termed post-infectious IBS, arises when an individual faces prolonged symptoms after recovering from bouts of food poisoning or a stomach bug. The idea here is that the infection may lead to changes in the gut’s microbial balance, causing disturbances long after the infectious agent is gone.
The gut-brain axis represents another exciting area of exploration. This communication pathway between our digestive system and brain has shown to influence various gastrointestinal functions. Any disruptions in this communication, be it from stress, trauma, or other factors, could potentially trigger IBS symptoms.
Though not as pronounced as in conditions like Crohn’s Disease, inflammation in the intestines has been observed in some IBS patients. This mild inflammation could potentially be a symptom trigger, hinting at the need for anti-inflammatory interventions in specific cases.(3)