Fact 4: Diet and IBS – The Connection

The connection between what we consume and how our body reacts isn’t just about calories and energy. For IBS sufferers, certain foods can trigger a host of unwelcome symptoms. Understanding this dietary connection is paramount in managing the disorder.
While some foods are commonly recognized as potential IBS triggers, such as dairy, high-fat foods, and certain artificial sweeteners, it’s essential to understand that everyone’s trigger might be different. Some might find spicy foods unsettling, while others could be sensitive to caffeine. The key is observation and understanding one’s body reactions.
FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols) are carbohydrates that can be hard to digest and may cause symptoms in IBS patients. A low FODMAP diet, which restricts these compounds, has shown promise in alleviating symptoms for many. It’s not a permanent dietary change but rather a temporary strategy to identify triggers. (4)