12. High Blood Pressure: OSA’s Silent and Dangerous Partner
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is often dubbed the “silent killer” due to its subtle symptoms but significant health risks. While various factors can cause hypertension, there’s a proven link between it and OSA. The repeated oxygen deprivation and the stress it places on the cardiovascular system can lead to elevated blood pressure.
High blood pressure isn’t just a number on a chart. It’s a significant risk factor for conditions like heart disease, stroke, and kidney problems. When combined with OSA, the risks multiply, making diagnosis and management vital.
Many are often unaware of their elevated blood pressure until other symptoms manifest. In the context of OSA, it can be a crucial wake-up call, an indicator of the stress the body is under due to disrupted sleep.
Monitoring blood pressure, especially if other OSA symptoms are present, is essential. It serves as a tangible metric, a clear indication of the body’s overall health and the potential toll OSA might be taking. (12)