10. Cracking at the Mouth Corners: Candida’s External Marker

The scientific term for those painful cracks or splits at the corners of the mouth is ‘Angular Cheilitis.’ While there can be multiple reasons for its occurrence, in the context of oral thrush, it’s predominantly due to the Candida fungus. Moisture trapped in these corners provides an ideal breeding ground for the fungus, leading to inflammation and subsequent cracking.
While they might seem minor, these cracks can be intensely painful. Simple actions like speaking, eating, or even smiling can exacerbate the discomfort. For some, it also becomes a cosmetic concern, leading to reduced self-confidence.
Angular Cheilitis, when paired with other symptoms like white patches or soreness, paints a clear picture of oral thrush. Recognizing it early can be instrumental in seeking timely treatment and preventing further complications.
Treatment focuses on addressing the Candida overgrowth. Topical antifungal creams are often prescribed for the affected area.
Keeping the corners of the mouth dry and avoiding lip-licking can also help in faster recovery. For those with recurrent episodes, it’s essential to evaluate potential underlying factors like nutrient deficiencies or habits that might be facilitating the condition. (10)