13. Cottony Feeling Inside the Mouth: Candida’s Peculiar Manifestation

One of the more unusual symptoms, a cottony sensation inside the mouth, is described by patients as feeling as if they’ve stuffed their mouth with cotton balls. This is due to the extensive proliferation of the Candida fungus, which affects the natural moisture and texture of the oral environment.
Having your mouth perpetually feel like it’s packed with cotton isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s downright disruptive. The act of speaking might seem laborious, and the pleasure derived from tasting foods is notably diminished. Over time, this persistent sensation can become mentally taxing, taking a toll on overall well-being.
A cottony feeling, while distinct, often appears in conjunction with other symptoms of oral thrush, such as white patches or soreness. Understanding these associations can facilitate a holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment.
The key to addressing this sensation is to curb the Candida overgrowth. As the fungus is brought under control, the mouth’s natural balance of moisture and texture is restored. Drinking ample water, avoiding sugary foods that feed the fungus, and adhering to antifungal treatments can help in alleviating this peculiar symptom. (13)