15 Important Facts About Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS)

14. Vision Problems: The Blurred Reality of RRMS

Vision Problems The Blurred Reality of RRMS

Optic neuritis, or inflammation of the optic nerve, is a frequent occurrence in RRMS, leading to a range of vision problems. It’s not just about a slight blur or temporary vision loss; it’s about the unpredictability and the potential permanence of these issues that can be daunting.

When optic neuritis strikes, it can manifest as blurred vision, grayscale vision, or even complete vision loss in severe cases. Paired with this, individuals might experience pain, especially when moving their eyes. Once again, the root of this symptom lies in the inflammation and demyelination common in RRMS.

As scary as these vision problems might sound, there’s hope. In many cases, the symptoms of optic neuritis can resolve on their own.(14)

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