15 Important Facts about Torus Mandibularis

6. Dietary Influences: Can What You Eat Make a Difference?

Dietary Influences Can What You Eat Make a Difference

Food plays a role in our overall health. So, does it influence torus mandibularis? The answer is layered. Diet can, indeed, play a part. But how significant, remains debatable.

Some research suggests hard foods might be a factor. Consistent pressure and chewing might lead to the growth. It’s a theory with a fair share of supporters.

But it’s not just hard foods. The nutrient profile might also play a role. Minerals and vitamins that support bone health could contribute. Yet, concrete evidence is sparse.

Still, the potential link between diet and torus mandibularis remains. It’s a thread in the vast tapestry of factors. One that requires more exploration. (6)

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