Fact 3: Beware of the Symptoms

Cholecystitis manifests through an array of symptoms, some subtle and others more overt. Being in the know can lead to timely intervention, preventing complications. It’s common to experience intense pain in the upper right or center abdomen. This pain might start as mild discomfort but can quickly escalate to being sharp or crampy and might even radiate to the right shoulder or back.
Pain isn’t the lone ranger here. Fever and chills often accompany it, signaling a potential infection. If the bile is obstructed and unable to flow into the intestine, jaundice—a yellowing of the skin and eyes—can set in. The trapped bile causes this characteristic yellow tinge.
Digestive distress is another red flag. One may encounter bloating, nausea, or vomiting. Additionally, the inefficient breakdown of fats due to blocked bile flow can lead to clay-colored stools. It’s the body’s way of signaling that something’s amiss in the digestive chain.(3)