14. Difficulty Breathing: The Silent Stranglehold

Breathing difficulties can be one of the most distressing symptoms associated with angioedema. When the swelling affects the throat or the airways, it can lead to partial or complete blockage, making breathing laborious and, in severe cases, life-threatening.
Patients often describe a sensation of tightness in the chest, a choking feeling, or even wheezing. This isn’t merely discomfort but a serious sign that the airways are compromised.
Difficulty in breathing, especially if sudden or severe, necessitates immediate medical attention. It’s not something to be “waited out” at home. In severe cases, an emergency intervention like intubation or a tracheostomy might be required to secure the airway.
Those who have experienced breathing difficulties due to angioedema must always be vigilant. Carrying prescribed medications, including epinephrine auto-injectors, can be a lifesaver in sudden flare-ups. Discussing an action plan with a healthcare provider is crucial to know exactly what to do if faced with this symptom again. (14)