15 Pivotal Facts about Anterograde and Retrograde Amnesia: An In-Depth Examination

Fact 7. Temporary Forms of Amnesia

Temporary Forms of Amnesia

Not all forms of amnesia are permanent. Temporary amnesia can occur under certain conditions or due to specific triggers. Transient global amnesia and situational amnesia are among the forms of temporary memory loss.

Transient global amnesia is characterized by sudden, temporary episodes of memory loss. During an episode, the person might be unable to recall recent events or form new memories, with symptoms similar to anterograde amnesia. While the episode is ongoing, the person may appear confused or repeatedly ask the same questions.

These episodes are usually short-lived, often resolving within a few hours. The individual typically has no memory of the episode and returns to normal function afterward. Although the exact cause of transient global amnesia is unknown, it’s often triggered by physical exertion, emotional stress, or sudden immersion in hot or cold water.

Situational amnesia, also known as psychogenic or dissociative amnesia, occurs when a person blocks out certain information, usually associated with a stressful or traumatic event. This memory loss goes beyond normal forgetfulness and can last for varying periods. (7)

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