Symptom 5. Raised Bumps or Blisters: A Troubling Sign

Raised bumps or blisters can be a troubling sign of eczema, as they may indicate a more severe form of the condition. These bumps are often filled with fluid and can be itchy or painful to touch.
The appearance of bumps or blisters may vary, depending on the specific type of eczema. For example, dyshidrotic eczema typically presents with small, fluid-filled blisters on the hands and feet, while atopic dermatitis may manifest with larger, raised bumps on various body parts.
It is crucial to resist the urge to scratch or pop these blisters, as doing so can introduce bacteria into the skin and cause infections. To manage itching and discomfort, your healthcare provider may recommend over-the-counter antihistamines or prescribe topical corticosteroids.
In some cases, the bumps or blisters may weep or ooze a clear or yellowish fluid. This fluid is part of the body’s natural healing process and should not be a cause for alarm. However, if you notice signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, or pus, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider for appropriate treatment. (5)