15 Signs and Symptoms of Eczema: How to Spot the Telltale Signs

Symptom 6. Darkened or Discolored Skin: A Long-Term Effect

Darkened or Discolored Skin A Long-Term Effect

Darkened or discolored skin is a long-term effect of eczema that may persist even after the active inflammation has subsided. This discoloration, known as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, is caused by an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color.

Repeated scratching and inflammation can contribute to this change in skin tone. To minimize the risk of developing hyperpigmentation, it is crucial to manage eczema symptoms effectively and avoid scratching the affected areas.

In some cases, the discoloration may fade over time as the skin naturally regenerates. However, this process can be slow, and it may take months or even years for the skin to return to its normal color. Topical treatments, such as hydroquinone or azelaic acid, may be prescribed by a dermatologist to help lighten the affected areas. (6)

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