15 Signs and Symptoms of Eczema: How to Spot the Telltale Signs

Symptom 7. Thickened Skin: A Result of Chronic Eczema

Thickened Skin A Result of Chronic Eczema

Thickened skin, also known as lichenification, is a result of chronic eczema and can develop in areas where the skin has been repeatedly scratched or rubbed. This thickening is the skin’s natural response to protect itself from further damage.

To prevent and treat thickened skin, it is essential to manage the underlying eczema effectively. This includes adhering to a consistent skincare routine, avoiding known triggers, and following your healthcare provider’s recommendations for topical or oral medications.

In some cases, a dermatologist may recommend treatments such as light therapy or topical retinoids to help reduce the thickening and improve the skin’s overall appearance. However, it is crucial to remember that results may vary, and it may take time for the skin to return to its normal texture. (7)

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