15 Symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) You Should Never Ignore

Symptom 14: Mouth Sores and Cracks

Mouth Sores and Cracks

Mouth sores and cracks, specifically at the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis), can be another symptom of iron deficiency anemia. Iron plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy cells, including those in your mouth and on your lips. When your body lacks sufficient iron, it can lead to the breakdown of these cells, resulting in painful sores and cracks in your mouth.

Mouth sores and cracks can be uncomfortable and make it difficult to eat, drink, or even talk without experiencing pain. They can also make you more susceptible to infections, as bacteria can easily enter the open sores.

It’s important to note that mouth sores and cracks can have various causes, including vitamin deficiencies, viral infections, or oral conditions like oral thrush. If you’re experiencing mouth sores or cracks along with other symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis.

If your healthcare provider confirms that iron deficiency anemia is the cause of your mouth sores and cracks, they may recommend treatments such as iron supplements or dietary changes to increase your iron intake. By addressing the underlying cause of your anemia, you can help to alleviate your mouth sores and cracks, improve your overall oral health, and enhance your quality of life.

In conclusion, if you’re experiencing mouth sores and cracks along with other signs of iron deficiency anemia, seek medical attention to determine the root cause and receive appropriate treatment. Early intervention is vital for maintaining your oral health and preventing further complications. (14)

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