Symptom 4. Watery Eyes: The Overflowing Symptom of Pink Eye

Excessive tearing or watery eyes is a frequent symptom of Conjunctivitis. This is a natural response by the body to help flush out irritants and microbes from the eye’s surface.
The degree of tearing can vary depending on the cause of Conjunctivitis. Viral and allergic Conjunctivitis tend to produce more watery discharge, while bacterial Conjunctivitis may cause thicker, pus-like discharge. In some cases, the excessive tearing may cause blurred vision or interfere with daily activities.
To manage watery eyes, try using over-the-counter artificial tears to help lubricate the eye and wash away irritants. Keep tissues handy to gently dab away excess tears, and avoid rubbing your eyes to prevent further irritation or the spread of infection.
Although watery eyes can be an annoyance, it is essential to remember that this is a natural defense mechanism employed by the body to protect the eyes. As Conjunctivitis is treated and the condition improves, the excessive tearing should subside. (4)