15 Symptoms of Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 6. Sensitivity to Light: The Unbearable Glare of Pink Eye

Sensitivity to Light- The Unbearable Glare of Pink Eye

Increased sensitivity to light, also known as photophobia, is a common symptom of Conjunctivitis. This sensitivity can manifest as discomfort or even pain when exposed to bright light sources, such as sunlight or indoor lighting.

The cause of photophobia in Conjunctivitis is multifaceted. Inflammation of the conjunctiva can make the eye more sensitive to light, while the discharge and tearing associated with Pink Eye can cause light to scatter on the eye’s surface, intensifying the sensation of brightness.

To minimize discomfort from light sensitivity, try wearing sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors to shield your eyes from direct sunlight. Indoors, you can adjust the lighting to a more comfortable level or use a desk lamp to focus light on specific tasks, reducing overall brightness.

As your Conjunctivitis improves, your sensitivity to light should gradually subside. However, if the photophobia worsens or persists even after the resolution of other symptoms, consult an eye care professional for further evaluation. (6)

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