15 Symptoms of Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) You Shouldn’t Ignore

Symptom 7. Blurred Vision: The Hazy World of Pink Eye

Blurred Vision- The Hazy World of Pink Eye

Blurred vision is another symptom that can accompany Conjunctivitis. This blurriness can result from a combination of factors, including discharge, excessive tearing, and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

The discharge and tearing associated with Pink Eye can cause a film to form on the surface of the eye, making it difficult to see clearly. Additionally, the inflammation of the conjunctiva may distort the eye’s surface, further contributing to the blurriness.

To help alleviate blurred vision, try using over-the-counter artificial tears to lubricate the eye and wash away irritants. Blinking frequently can also help to clear away discharge and maintain a clearer vision.

It is essential to monitor your vision closely during a bout of Conjunctivitis. If the blurriness worsens, becomes more persistent, or is accompanied by pain, it is crucial to seek medical attention immediately, as these could be signs of a more severe eye condition. (7)

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